I made some new creations Found the sweatest cowboyboots and couldent resist to try them out. And I found a picture of adorable shoes but no chart or pattern for them so I made them without pattern, think they went out pretty good!
Allmän info till eventuella läsare
Jag har funderingar kring att lägga ner den här bloggen, av flera
anledningar som jag inte orkar gå in på (sjuk med feber och grejer idag).
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Thank You and Good-Bye from Joan's Gardens
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with a grateful
heart for your past business as Joan's Gardens has come to a final
close. It is h...
Trilho lago dos cisnes em croche.
Olá !Boa noite!
Quanto tempo sem postar nem sei mais direito totalmente perdida!
Vou tentar voltar aos poucos!
Fiz esse trilho com o pap da Lizandra ,que te...
Abajours em crochet
A pedido de uma amiga muito querida, fiz dois *abajours* pequenos para os
candeeiros das mesas de cabeceira. A base é de metal forjado e a forma
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
mempersembahkan produk Pati kentang potato STARCH dan potao FLAKES terbaik
dari Eropa untuk hasil produksi terbaik di industri makanan. Cymart
Flying Seagull Fun Card
Good Morning Paper Crafters. Today I have a fun card to create. It is
called a* Flying Seagull Fun Card.* You can search on YouTube for
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